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make sense

  • 1 make sense

    أدْرَكَ المُرَادَ مِن \ make sense: (of a person, with of) to understand: I can’t make sense of these accounts. \ مَفْهوم \ make sense: (of words) to be understood; (of actions) seem reasonable: You can’t say "Cat the away ran"; it doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t make sense to burn useful material. \ See Also مَعْقول

    Arabic-English glossary > make sense

  • 2 make sense

    فَهِمَ \ comprehend: to understand: The child read the story but did not comprehend its meaning. follow: to understand: Could you follow his explanation?. gather: (with a clause as the object) to understand: I gather from your son that he has left school. make out: to understand: I can’t make out what this means. make sense: (of a person, with of) to understand: I can’t make sense of these accounts. realize: to understand (the truth of sth.): Does she realize her mistake? (Does she know about it?) Do you realize that you are in great danger?. see: to understand (a reason, a joke, a need, etc.): I can’t see why he wants it. It’s too hard for him, you see. Yes, I see. understand: to know the meaning of: I don’t understand this question.

    Arabic-English glossary > make sense

  • 3 make out

    فَهِمَ \ comprehend: to understand: The child read the story but did not comprehend its meaning. follow: to understand: Could you follow his explanation?. gather: (with a clause as the object) to understand: I gather from your son that he has left school. make out: to understand: I can’t make out what this means. make sense: (of a person, with of) to understand: I can’t make sense of these accounts. realize: to understand (the truth of sth.): Does she realize her mistake? (Does she know about it?) Do you realize that you are in great danger?. see: to understand (a reason, a joke, a need, etc.): I can’t see why he wants it. It’s too hard for him, you see. Yes, I see. understand: to know the meaning of: I don’t understand this question.

    Arabic-English glossary > make out

  • 4 sense

    1. noun
    1) one of the five powers (hearing, taste, sight, smell, touch) by which a person or animal feels or notices.
    2) a feeling:

    He has an exaggerated sense of his own importance.

    3) an awareness of (something):

    She has no sense of humour.

    4) good judgement:

    You can rely on him – he has plenty of sense.

    رُشْد، صَواب، تَفْكير مَنْطِقي، عَقْل سَليم
    5) a meaning (of a word).
    مَعْنى للكَلِمَه
    6) something which is meaningful:

    Can you make sense of her letter?

    2. verb
    to feel, become aware of, or realize:

    He sensed that she disapproved.

    يَشْعُر، يُدْرِك

    Arabic-English dictionary > sense

  • 5 make much of

    1) to make a fuss of (a person) or about (a thing).
    يُعْطي أهميَّة أكثر من اللازِم لِ، يُثيرُ ضَجَّةً حَول
    2) to make sense of; to understand:

    I couldn't make much of the film.


    Arabic-English dictionary > make much of

  • 6 مفهوم

    مَفْهوم \ make sense: (of words) to be understood; (of actions) seem reasonable: You can’t say "Cat the away ran"; it doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t make sense to burn useful material. \ See Also مَعْقول \ مَفْهُوم ضِمْنًا \ tacit: understood but not spoken: a tacit agreement.

    Arabic-English dictionary > مفهوم

  • 7 أدرك

    أَدْرَكَ \ appreciate: to understand: I appreciate your point of view. attain: to reach; succeed in getting: He attained his goal of becoming rich. catch up: come level (with): He started early but I soon caught up (or caught him up or caught up with him). catch, (caught): to meet or join sb. or sth. by being at the right place at the right time: I caught the bus outside the cinema. I caught the headmaster as he left his office. comprehend: to understand: The child read the story but did not comprehend its meaning. find, (found): to learn or discover sth. (by experience or study of inquiry): She found him changed. You will find the hotel very comfortable. The judge found the prisoner guilty. I found that my car had been stolen. make out: to understand: I can’t make out what this means. overtake: (of a runner, etc.) to come level with sb., by going faster (and perhaps to pass him): I overtook him and gave him your message. perceive: to notice and understand, especially through the eyes or mind: I can’t perceive any difference between these two coins. We perceived that we were unwelcome, so we left. realize: to understand (the truth of sth.): Does she realize her mistake? (Does she know about it?) Do you realize that you are in great danger?. see: to understand (a reaon, a joke, a need, etc.): I can’t see why he wants it. It’s too hard for him, you see? Yes, I see. tell: (with can) to know; to recognize: Can you tell the difference between these two brothers?. understand: to know the meaning of: I don’t understand this question. \ See Also عرف (عَرِفَ)، فهم (فَهِم)، لحق بـ (لَحِقَ بِـ)‏ \ أَدْرَكَ حقيقَتهُ أو مَرامِيه الخفيَّة \ see through: to see the truth behind some trick: He pretended to be asleep, but I saw through him (or through his deceit.). \ أَدْرَكَ قيمةَ (الشيء)‏ \ appreciate: to value: We appreciate your help. \ أدْرَكَ المُرَادَ مِن \ make sense: (of a person, with of) to understand: I can’t make sense of these accounts.

    Arabic-English dictionary > أدرك

  • 8 فهم

    فَهِمَ \ comprehend: to understand: The child read the story but did not comprehend its meaning. follow: to understand: Could you follow his explanation?. gather: (with a clause as the object) to understand: I gather from your son that he has left school. make out: to understand: I can’t make out what this means. make sense: (of a person, with of) to understand: I can’t make sense of these accounts. realize: to understand (the truth of sth.): Does she realize her mistake? (Does she know about it?) Do you realize that you are in great danger?. see: to understand (a reason, a joke, a need, etc.): I can’t see why he wants it. It’s too hard for him, you see. Yes, I see. understand: to know the meaning of: I don’t understand this question. \ فَهِم الإشارَة وعَمِلَ بِها \ take a hint: to notice an indirect sign or meaning and act upon it: I took the hint and offered to lend him $5. \ فَهِمَ القَصْد \ get, (got, gotten): infml. to understand: I don’t quite get your meaning.

    Arabic-English dictionary > فهم

  • 9 comprehend

    فَهِمَ \ comprehend: to understand: The child read the story but did not comprehend its meaning. follow: to understand: Could you follow his explanation?. gather: (with a clause as the object) to understand: I gather from your son that he has left school. make out: to understand: I can’t make out what this means. make sense: (of a person, with of) to understand: I can’t make sense of these accounts. realize: to understand (the truth of sth.): Does she realize her mistake? (Does she know about it?) Do you realize that you are in great danger?. see: to understand (a reason, a joke, a need, etc.): I can’t see why he wants it. It’s too hard for him, you see. Yes, I see. understand: to know the meaning of: I don’t understand this question.

    Arabic-English glossary > comprehend

  • 10 follow

    فَهِمَ \ comprehend: to understand: The child read the story but did not comprehend its meaning. follow: to understand: Could you follow his explanation?. gather: (with a clause as the object) to understand: I gather from your son that he has left school. make out: to understand: I can’t make out what this means. make sense: (of a person, with of) to understand: I can’t make sense of these accounts. realize: to understand (the truth of sth.): Does she realize her mistake? (Does she know about it?) Do you realize that you are in great danger?. see: to understand (a reason, a joke, a need, etc.): I can’t see why he wants it. It’s too hard for him, you see. Yes, I see. understand: to know the meaning of: I don’t understand this question.

    Arabic-English glossary > follow

  • 11 gather

    فَهِمَ \ comprehend: to understand: The child read the story but did not comprehend its meaning. follow: to understand: Could you follow his explanation?. gather: (with a clause as the object) to understand: I gather from your son that he has left school. make out: to understand: I can’t make out what this means. make sense: (of a person, with of) to understand: I can’t make sense of these accounts. realize: to understand (the truth of sth.): Does she realize her mistake? (Does she know about it?) Do you realize that you are in great danger?. see: to understand (a reason, a joke, a need, etc.): I can’t see why he wants it. It’s too hard for him, you see. Yes, I see. understand: to know the meaning of: I don’t understand this question.

    Arabic-English glossary > gather

  • 12 realize

    فَهِمَ \ comprehend: to understand: The child read the story but did not comprehend its meaning. follow: to understand: Could you follow his explanation?. gather: (with a clause as the object) to understand: I gather from your son that he has left school. make out: to understand: I can’t make out what this means. make sense: (of a person, with of) to understand: I can’t make sense of these accounts. realize: to understand (the truth of sth.): Does she realize her mistake? (Does she know about it?) Do you realize that you are in great danger?. see: to understand (a reason, a joke, a need, etc.): I can’t see why he wants it. It’s too hard for him, you see. Yes, I see. understand: to know the meaning of: I don’t understand this question.

    Arabic-English glossary > realize

  • 13 see

    فَهِمَ \ comprehend: to understand: The child read the story but did not comprehend its meaning. follow: to understand: Could you follow his explanation?. gather: (with a clause as the object) to understand: I gather from your son that he has left school. make out: to understand: I can’t make out what this means. make sense: (of a person, with of) to understand: I can’t make sense of these accounts. realize: to understand (the truth of sth.): Does she realize her mistake? (Does she know about it?) Do you realize that you are in great danger?. see: to understand (a reason, a joke, a need, etc.): I can’t see why he wants it. It’s too hard for him, you see. Yes, I see. understand: to know the meaning of: I don’t understand this question.

    Arabic-English glossary > see

  • 14 understand

    فَهِمَ \ comprehend: to understand: The child read the story but did not comprehend its meaning. follow: to understand: Could you follow his explanation?. gather: (with a clause as the object) to understand: I gather from your son that he has left school. make out: to understand: I can’t make out what this means. make sense: (of a person, with of) to understand: I can’t make sense of these accounts. realize: to understand (the truth of sth.): Does she realize her mistake? (Does she know about it?) Do you realize that you are in great danger?. see: to understand (a reason, a joke, a need, etc.): I can’t see why he wants it. It’s too hard for him, you see. Yes, I see. understand: to know the meaning of: I don’t understand this question.

    Arabic-English glossary > understand

  • 15 كان عقلانيا

    v. make sense

    Arabic-English dictionary > كان عقلانيا

  • 16 كان له معنى

    v. make sense

    Arabic-English dictionary > كان له معنى

  • 17 cryptic

    [ˈkrɪptɪk] adjective
    intentionally very difficult to understand or make sense of:

    a cryptic message.

    غامِض، مُبْـهـم

    Arabic-English dictionary > cryptic

  • 18 smarten

    أَنَّقَ \ smarten: to make smart (in any sense). \ تَهَنْدَمَ \ smarten: to make smart (in any sense). \ هَنْدَمَ \ smarten: to make smart (in any sense).

    Arabic-English glossary > smarten

  • 19 sound

    I [saund] adjective
    1) strong or in good condition:

    He's 87, but he's still sound in mind and body.

    سَليم جِسْمانِيّا وعَقْلِيّا
    2) (of sleep) deep:

    She's a very sound sleeper.

    3) full; thorough:

    a sound basic training.

    كامِل، شامِل
    4) accurate; free from mistakes:

    a sound piece of work.

    دَقيق، سَليم، صَحيح
    5) having or showing good judgement or good sense:

    His advice is always very sound.

    قَويم، صادِق II
    1. noun
    1) the impressions transmitted to the brain by the sense of hearing:

    ( also adjective) sound waves.

    2) something that is, or can be, heard:

    The sounds were coming from the garage.

    صَوْت، ضَجَّه
    3) the impression created in the mind by a piece of news, a description etc:

    I didn't like the sound of her hairstyle at all!

    مَعْنى، مَغْزى، إنْطِباع
    2. verb
    1) to (cause something to) make a sound:

    Sound the bell!

    The bell sounded.

    يَرِنُّ، يُسْمِعُ صَوْتا
    2) to signal (something) by making a sound:

    Sound the alarm!

    يُعْطي إشارَةً، يَدُقُّ
    3) (of something heard or read) to make a particular impression; to seem; to appear:

    That sounds like a train.

    4) to pronounce:

    In the word "pneumonia", the letter p is not sounded.

    5) to examine by tapping and listening carefully:

    She sounded the patient's chest.

    يَفْحَص بالنَّقْر والإصْغاء III [saund] verb يَقيسُ العُمْق بواسِطَة الصَّوْت

    Arabic-English dictionary > sound

  • 20 touch

    1. verb
    1) to be in, come into, or make, contact with something else:

    He touched the water with his foot.

    2) to feel (lightly) with the hand:

    He touched her cheek.

    يُلامِس، يَتَحَسَّس
    3) to affect the feelings of; to make (someone) feel pity, sympathy etc:

    I was touched by her generosity.

    يُثير المَشاعِر
    4) to be concerned with; to have anything to do with:

    I wouldn't touch a job like that.

    يَلْمِس، يَهْتَم بِ
    2. noun
    1) an act or sensation of touching:

    I felt a touch on my shoulder.

    2) ( often with the) one of the five senses, the sense by which we feel things:

    The stone felt cold to the touch.

    حاسَّة اللمْس
    3) a mark or stroke etc to improve the appearance of something:

    The painting still needs a few finishing touches.

    4) skill or style:

    He hasn't lost his touch as a writer.

    مَهارَه، أسْلوب
    5) (in football) the ground outside the edges of the pitch (which are marked out with ˈtouchlines):

    He kicked the ball into touch.

    خَط التَّماس في مَلْعَب الكُرَه

    Arabic-English dictionary > touch

См. также в других словарях:

  • make sense of — 1. To understand 2. To see the purpose in, or explanation of • • • Main Entry: ↑sense * * * find meaning or coherence in she must try to make sense of what was going on * * * make (any) sense of : to understand (something) …   Useful english dictionary

  • make sense — {v. phr.} 1. To be something you can understand or explain; not be difficult or strange. * /The explanation in the school book made no sense because the words were hard./ Compare: MAKE HEAD OR TAIL OF. 2. To seem right to do; sound reasonable or… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • make sense — {v. phr.} 1. To be something you can understand or explain; not be difficult or strange. * /The explanation in the school book made no sense because the words were hard./ Compare: MAKE HEAD OR TAIL OF. 2. To seem right to do; sound reasonable or… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • make sense of — (something) to understand something. The community is trying to make sense of the tragedy …   New idioms dictionary

  • make sense — ► make sense be intelligible, justifiable, or practicable. Main Entry: ↑sense …   English terms dictionary

  • make sense of — ► make sense of find meaning or coherence in. Main Entry: ↑sense …   English terms dictionary

  • make sense — index cohere (be logically consistent) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • make sense of — index elucidate, interpret Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • make sense — verb be reasonable or logical or comprehensible (Freq. 9) • Syn: ↑add up • Hypernyms: ↑be • Verb Frames: Something s It s that CLAUSE * * * be intelligible, jus …   Useful english dictionary

  • make sense — verb a) To be coherent or reasonable. The thing doesn’t make sense to me. b) To decipher or understand. Somehow the combination didn’t make sense, but Cranston took it at face value, whatever that was worth …   Wiktionary

  • make\ sense — v. phr. 1. To be something you can understand or explain; not be difficult or strange. The explanation in the school book made no sense because the words were hard. Compare: make head or tail of 2. To seem right to do; sound reasonable or… …   Словарь американских идиом

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